- March 16, 1999
March 16, 1999 - Elliot Smith
"I'm never gonna know you now,
but I'm g...
- February 13, 1999
February 13, 1999 - Responsibility
Just saw the film Windhorse, which take...
- September 7, 1998
September 7, 1998 - the end of the day
It is only 11:00pm but i am tired. ...
- August 15, 1998
August 15, 1998 - End of Long Silence
I haven't written here for about 2 m...
- June 26, 1998
June 26, 1998 - Art is like Sex
It was a long ride home.
Almost as long...
- May 13, 1998
May 13, 1998 - corporate pep rally
The most extreme that you can possibly ...
- April 25, 1998
April 25, 1998 - Dazed & Discouraged
The more i learn about some things th...
- March 22, 1998
March 22, 1998 - Nice Sunday
The sun has just set and the quiet twilight i...
- March 14, 1998
March 14, 1998 - Walk thru Glen Canyon
1:00 PM
I'm on the J Church headi...
- Feb. 22, 1998
I came to a realization today. I figured out what my problem with San Francis...
- February 5, 1998
Beautiful cantonese girl in a vinyl dress masturbating to a Laurie Anderson ...
- Feb. 4 1998 web industry musings
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 10:56:40 -0800 (PST)
From: Steev
To: illegal art
- Art Rant, February 4, 1998
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 1998 21:21:06 -0800 (PST)
From: Steev
To: J103
Subject: Re:...
- January 15, 1998
Somehow i keep managing to hang on. But will i ever do more than just hang ...
- December 11, 1997
Lots of different things going on.
I just went to see a movie. Movies are ...
- Steev's thoughts, 1/19/97
January 19, 1997
I don't usually "surf the web".
- Steev's thoughts, 9/20/96
September 20, 1996
Notes and Unbelievables
by Steev Hise
I have been meaning ...