January 19, 1997
I don't usually "surf the web".

Hard to believe isn't it, since i'm working for this hip web company. But that's precisely why i don't. I spend so much time on the web doing work. I'm responsible for putting new stuff there just about every morning. In addition to that, I have tons of people telling me to look at various URLs all day. I save these emails to a file and a perl script turns it into a web page with links and a place to automagically delete them once i've looked at them. But even with this convenience i sometimes don't get to them for weeks. So the list grows and grows. What do I do with them? Most of them suck. A small percentage are interesting enough to return to once in awhile, if i had time. But even so, even when i have the time, i don't go back, usually, unless from some strange combination of guilt and illusory peer pressure ("everyone is talking about that site- i should look at it more".)

No, I use the web like a library, rather than a television or newspaper. As such, the web is the most convenient library in history, and the most inconvenient television or newspaper. I use the web as a reference source that is always there, ready for a search of whatever i need. I usually use Hotbot, HotWired search engine, just because its easy to type "hotbot" into netscape, and the interface is one of the best around. Sometimes i use altavista too.

Its sunday morning. I just finished putting up the daily geekcereal posting, which i do every morning except for saturday, when Caleb does it. This morning jeremy alluded to this in his post so i linked it to my homepage. Then i thought i should revise my homepage because of that, so i spent 45 minutes or so doing that. Then i thought, good excuse to write another one of these "thoughts". Which i have been wanting to do for ages.

I am totally wired because i just drank a bunch of real espresso- meaning not-decaffinated. I usally drink some mixure ranging from totally decaffinated to about 33% decaffinated, but today we were out of decaf. I shouldn't have drunk any at all. I should have burnt some grain and made coffee from that, or anything, but now i am totally about to explode, my heart is banging around. I need to take a walk.

Last night there was yet another party at Chateau Maz- Fixer, Neck, and Brian's place. There's a party there about once a week, not counting the weekly poker nights. I have been there a couple times just because i happen to be at the tuesday night cheap beer night at the Eagle's Drift-In - which happens to be the same night as poker night. But i have never been to an actual party there. I always hear about them later, about the young girls getting too drunk, about the the huge quantities of NO2 imbibed. My housemate agro is always there, and yet i have never been. I usually half regret not going. Why don't i? I'm lazy. I'm tired at night cuz i get up early. And, much as i hate to admit it, i feel like i'm starting to get older....

If i was really dedicated to eradicating this feeling, i would force myself to do things like go to these parties. I would get up and go. I would be on spacebar all the time trying to learn what social things are happening. Last saturday i was logged on and found out about Sonic's impromptu psychedelic soiree, and i went, and it was lots of fun. But she lives right across the street from me. Would i have gone if I had to travel across town? Prolly not. So maybe its just not cuz i am getting old. Maybe i'm just lazy. Maybe my priorities have changed. When i was 19 i would wander the streets of ann arbor with my dorm mates looking for frat parties or older folk to buy for us. For hours. But its not worth it any more. I am more likely to wait for guaranteed benefit over cost events.

I need to take a walk. burn off this caffeine. over and out.