The sun has just set and the quiet twilight is getting darker. Its been a nice day. A beautiful beautiful day. I'm listening to a new Tortoise CD that i just bought used for a really great price at Open Mind Music. Cool record store on Divis. Its kind of a cross between Aquarius and those little dj record stores. You can tell there's tons of djs in there, but its not like total techno, there's freaks in there buying donna summer singles and, well, Tortoise. Its a fertile environment, its inspiring. I also bought what i think is the latest edition of The Baffler, a zine i've been wanting to get into for awhile. Its their "Folklore of Capitalism" issue. Interesting, they are based in Chicago and so is Tortoise. The whole topic of commodification of counterculture seems to be their oeuvre(sp?).After i was there I had a cup of coffee at a cafe on Noe and 14th and read this little free zine about dance music culture. Interview with the guy that does MTV's AMP. Lots of rationalization there. "This is cool, no really, it won't ruin things." Hmm. right.
Tommorrow I will be 29.25 years old. Jay still hasn't given me all my birthday presents. huh. Anyway, I am constantly thinking lately about how i'm almost 30 and this is the year that things will happen, that i will make things happen. It's going to be hard, because i've got this damn fulltime job, i should have used my time as a freelancer more carefully, but oh well. From a money perspective this job will save my ass. If i can just stick with it for 5 more months or so i can save up some serious dough and pay off some debts too. Well, kind of. Not that serious. Dammit, Not like sonic selling her domain name for 50 grand. Jesus. Anybody want to buy How bout heh.
Anyway, yeah, this year I'm going to do some things. Go places, do things. Im going to release a CD, and I'm going to maybe travel somewhere far away. A programming in India idea of Axil's sounds really really great. We will see what happens with that. that would be so cool....
Yeah, things are going to happen in 1998.