Beautiful cantonese girl in a vinyl dress masturbating to a Laurie Anderson song, one hand between her shiny black vinyl-clad thighs, another loosely clutching a cigarette. "Now that the living outnumber the dead," croons Laurie, while the girls moans and pants and finally brings herself to climax.
Wow. What a movie. Wong Kar-wai is so totally great, and Fallen Angels his best film ever, at least that I've seen yet.
What could be better? Excruciatingly cute asian women, gunfire, incredible camera work in lurid oversaturated color as well as bleached nite-vision monochrome, love-crazed desparate youth, timelapse photography, wacked out trippy dub music. My god, nothing could be better...
That was a few days ago, and I'm still blown away. The last few days have been like that, things moving fast, things happening. More tends to happen when I have visitors, especially Jon and Cath, who flew down for a few days on their way to L.A., ontheir way to Catherine's flight back to Austrailia.
The next day we went to see Elephant Seals, at Ano Neuvo.We headed down highway 1 and it was just about the
worst weather to be on highway 1 ever. torrential rain, wind, mud pouring
down off the hills onto the road. but we kept going, made it down there,
got drenched and pelted with blowing sand as we wandered amidst 600 - 4000
lb blubbery sea mammals lying around the beach. It was very surreal, like
we were exploring a hostile planet and meeting alien lifeforms.
They're strange beasts...
Then on the drive back it was still real nasty out, and about 5 firetrucks
and 3 cop cars and 2 ambulances past us going the other way. I'm glad
they were going the OTHER way... we got back alright, the worst was having
to wait for a plow to move a mudslide off the road...
More storms are on the way. El Nino el nino el nino....
That night we went to have drinks at Skylark with 6rady and Mikl-em. Mikl is crazy. He's one of those people who is always performing, in a way... I don't know if I always thought this about him. Maybe people don't perform for me. Why is that? But somehow, with Jon and Cath he is a performer. Maybe I present myself as such a serious, dour, boring type that people have to be normal and boring back at me. Or... Idon't know. Or maybe i was just in a bad mood that night. I like to sit around and talk about the hopelessness of life and how everything is going to hell. Rather than be a David Letterman protege. That sounds mean. But there's nothing wrong with being a comedian. Its just not me, I guess. I mean, I have a sense of humor, but maybe its just not conveyed the same way. Maybe I just was in a bad mood...
I sometimes get into watching some of the people across the garden backyard courtyard. There's the gay couple that i sometimes think i glimpse fucking right by their window. And the straight couple below them, the girl cute and often wearing interesting outfits, tight striped tights or just a towel. I am a little too preoccupied with sex, but then, its all around me, it seems. Its everywhere and its only natural to observe it.