1:00 PM
I'm on the J Church heading further south than I've ever been on it before. South to the Future. It's a totally beautiful day. I wish I could do everything I wanted to do outside. I wish i could rip the top off my house and be inside and ouside all at once. I wish so many things.Now I'm on BART cuz I went too far on the J Church. End of the line. Crazy.
1:30 PM
I'm not sure what to think about this STTF book. It's mostly about time. Is it meant to make me feel bad for thinking about time, schedules, appointments, clocks? I think about time a lot. for instance, am I wasting time walking around this nice park in this near-to-me part of town, when I have "things to do"? What things? Not much. Not obligations. Just things I want to do, for myself. And yet, this is for myself, too. To enjoy the outdoors. I really need a laptop. I need so many things. How to decide what is most important? Does it matter? Time to walk some more.1:55 PM
Now I'm seated on a grass-covered rock outcropping on one edge of Glen Canyon. It's not a misnomer likeso many urban places in California named "Canyon". It's a huge steep valley. It's pretty wild and green and quiet except for the full hum of the street on the opposite rim. It's beautiful. There are birds and bugs and flowers and sun and a cool cool breeze.It would be cool to life around here. There is a tasteful line of houses on each side, perched on concrete pillars, like big boxy treehouses. No doubt they are astronomically expensive.
Money. I finally make exactly what I should be making, so that my rent is 1/4 of my income. almost exactly. It used to be about half. In fact, this is probably the first time in a long time or ever that that ratio has been achieved by me. Amazing....