June 26, 1998 - Art is like Sex
It was a long ride home.

Almost as long as yesterday night's. Yesterday, from the SRL show, it was one block further than tonite's, from the Etoy opening. On long bike rides at night, even more so than car drives, I get particularly lucid and philosophical, especially after a few gin and tonic's, infected by Etoy.

Here's some of that thought:
Art, like Sex, is very funny. But it's also, like Sex, very serious. Like with sex, it's sometimes very hard to find someone who is in the same mood as you. Funny or Serious? Drunk or Sober? Tripping or Straight?

At the Etoy opening there was a pleasantly entertaining mix of people there. discreet black-sport-jacket-clad english goateed art fellows, mixing with rave chicks with dyed hair and platform heels. Actually the hipster rave scene was more dominant, with just the right dash of technology art chic.

And I am so cool because I'm here alone at home offering meta-commentary about it on my cool little personal web site. yeah.

I should be still there trying to hit on cute raver girls.

Godammit my asshole roommate and his asshole female friend are here. Fuck. (I won't say girlfriend because he probably hopes she will be but she is not.)

Anyway, to continue my profound thots. I was overhearing some hip art chicks waiting for Etoy to come out of their big orange tank. They were saying how they would love to tear through the black plastic and "ravish" the Etoy boys. I cut in and wondered out loud if that would raise or lower the Etoy stock. This amused them slightly. They postulated that perhaps if you bought enough stock you would get the privelage to date an Etoy.boy. It was all very glib and hip and, to me obnoxious.

And, just as obnoxious, the babbling of my housemate and his potential love interest, who is one of the most obnoxious women i've ever met (maybe it's something about interface designers), is totally bumming my buzz. I think, if they don't get out of here soon, I will adjourn to my bedroom and get high. Maybe I'll do that anyway.

Dammit. I'm so antisocial. Am I a misanthrope? No, I don't think so. I just really value some time alone. I just really don't like very many people. And it's so much effort to find the good ones. sigh.