Archive - 2009 - Story
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 14:53 getting ready for a family xmas ichat call. #
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 09:24 shopping for new espresso maker. #
- 11:44 renewing some domains. the periodic ritual of the digital homesteader... #
- 12:21 looking again after a couple years at this amazing database/searchengine of films icio.us/micvzu #
- 12:46 reading awesome news, Walt was granted 4 month extension to complete 300 hours of community service for his humanitarian "littering". yay! #
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 05:41 getting ready for the MTV Made shoot. I have to get out there at 7 and do a timelapse of the sunrise... #
- 07:06 Taping a beautiful Sonoran desert sunrise. #
- 07:50 Sitting waiting at gate 2 pima motorsports park while reading Delillo story in The New Yorker. Strange days. #
- 13:46 Almost done w the shoot. More waiting. Of course. 2 bad most bystandrs dont know 2 wait #
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 11:32 reading interview with editor of Feministing www.nytimes.com/2009/11/15/magazine/15fob-q4-t.html?_r=1 #
- 11:49 reading awesome article about masculinity and "lad culture" icio.us/hf4mcq #
- 14:21 reading facebook's best spin on their diversity data. still pretty damn white, FB. icio.us/tn5zto #
- 14:36 paying off the last of my student loans. yay. go to hell, Citibank. #
- 14:58 icio.us/u255af #
- 22:45 trying to figure out how to get to Pima County Motorsports Park, for this shoot I'm working on tomorrow for MTV. #
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 10:20 reading about Drupal 6 theme development with the puppy in my lap. #
- 11:16 thinking this slogan is awesome: "System Change not climate change" www.indymedia.org/en/2009/12/932387.shtml #
- 11:35 icio.us/malc4q #
- 15:05 reading lastest newsletter email from Participant Films. Wow they are a truly inspiring production company. #
- 17:29 still thinking abt the hacked dronefeeds. tinyurl.com/ylez9ns reminds me of awsm webcomic called Spiders: tinyurl.com/yh7ltmh #
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 12:01 doing annoying paperwork. i wish i could get paid for all the paperwork i've every filled out neccessary to start work for someone. #
- 13:03 unfollowing someone for banality. #
- 14:32 on a conference call.. #
- 16:41 drinking a latte i just made, but kind of wanting a glass of wine instead. oh boy now look who's being banal. sigh. #
- 16:45 looking at sad but beautiful pics of a ghostbike in brooklyn. tinyurl.com/y949mzj - thinking of the many here in tucson. via @rxanna #
- 18:19 getting ready to go to "Gathering of the Greens" annual tucson enviro holiday party... #
- 21:01 realizing OMG, i have 68 photos/videos on my camera and all of them are either of a puppy, a baby, or both. #
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 16:59 just heard this great band on npr called The Wooden Arms, they made up a song on the spot using some cereal boxes, a vase, and an air pump. #