Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 11:32 reading interview with editor of Feministing www.nytimes.com/2009/11/15/magazine/15fob-q4-t.html?_r=1 #
- 11:49 reading awesome article about masculinity and "lad culture" icio.us/hf4mcq #
- 14:21 reading facebook's best spin on their diversity data. still pretty damn white, FB. icio.us/tn5zto #
- 14:36 paying off the last of my student loans. yay. go to hell, Citibank. #
- 14:58 icio.us/u255af #
- 22:45 trying to figure out how to get to Pima County Motorsports Park, for this shoot I'm working on tomorrow for MTV. #