Archive - 2009 - Story


Yesterday's Twitter Tweets

Yesterday's Twitter Tweets

  • 11:22 posting a little music of mine to my blog. #
  • 11:27 reading about this conference coming up on border walls. #
  • 11:50 capturing more new b-roll for Wild vs. Wall revision. #
  • 15:23 figuring out to contact a Solr server through a proxy server. #

Yesterday's Twitter Tweets

  • 10:56 blogging about a great Elizabeth Kolbert piece in last week's New Yorker: #
  • 12:19 hating how some people put question marks at the ends of statements. even when writing... get some backbone, ppl! confidence! #
  • 12:23 figuring that, if a song gets stuck in your head all morning, it deserves to get 5 stars in iTunes. unless you hate it. #

Yesterday's Twitter Tweets

  • 21:01 re-arranging my books. #
  • 22:37 watching behind-the-scenes footage on the Girl 6 dvd. interesting to see spike lee work. he's quiet. focused. #

Yesterday's Twitter Tweets

  • 08:02 chopping up almonds to put in the apple-cinnamon(almond) scones that greta's making for me. yumm. #
  • 16:40 realizing that in terms of self-serving propaganda, i have to say that DHS has a better press section on its website than the DOI. #

Yesterday's Twitter Tweets

  • 11:45 charging battery on new camera. yay. #
  • 12:08 trying out google wave. hmm.. #
  • 13:20 reading about feminist masculinity, if that even is possible... #

Yesterday's Twitter Tweets

  • 10:42 looking online 4 other people's pics of our float in the all souls procession. hundreds of people were taking shots of us, so where r they? #

Yesterday's Twitter Tweets

  • 09:42 oh no i have 2 cups of tea and a cup of coffee to drink before they get cold! what to do? #
  • 11:10 damn! why in this age of digital photography w/metadata do people still have their cams set to put burned-in dates on their photos?! dumb! #

Yesterday's Twitter Tweets

Yesterday's Twitter Tweets

  • 10:09 trying to collate results of Pan Left web survey. #
  • 10:54 reading about and a dodgy gag order/subpoena from the DOJ... #