
Podkayne of Mars

Podkayne of Mars

author: Robert A. Heinlein

name: Steev

average rating: 3.59

book published: 1963

rating: 3

read at: 1974/01/01

date added: 2010/06/19

shelves: novels

I don't remember much about this book, just that it was the second "adult" book I ever read, after "The Hobbit", when I was I think like 5 or 6 years old. It's about a young girl that travels to Mars if I recall.

The Complete Persepolis

The Complete Persepolis

author: Marjane Satrapi

name: Steev

average rating: 4.27

book published: 2005

rating: 4

read at:

date added: 2010/06/19





author: Vladimir Nabokov

name: Steev

average rating: 3.75

book published: 1955

rating: 4

read at:

date added: 2010/06/18



The Lifelong Activist: How to Change the World Without Losing Your Way

The Lifelong Activist: How to Change the World Without Losing Your Way

author: Hillary Rettig

name: Steev

average rating: 4.04

book published: 2006

rating: 5

read at: 2010/06/14

date added: 2010/06/18

shelves: spirit-self, politics

Halting State

Halting State

author: Charles Stross

name: Steev

average rating: 3.73

book published: 2007

rating: 4

read at: 2010/07/08

date added: 2010/07/12

shelves: fun, novels

Infinite Jest

Infinite Jest

author: David Foster Wallace

name: Steev

average rating: 4.38

book published: 1996

rating: 5

read at: 2010/09/08

date added: 2010/09/12

shelves: own-it, novels, fun

Shampoo Planet

Shampoo Planet

author: Douglas Coupland

name: Steev

average rating: 3.46

book published: 1992

rating: 3

read at:

date added: 2010/09/30



Liberation: Being the Adventures of the Slick Six After the Collapse of the United States of America

Liberation: Being the Adventures of the Slick Six After the Collapse of the United States of America

author: Brian Francis Slattery

name: Steev

average rating: 3.67

book published: 2008

rating: 4

read at: 2010/09/30

date added: 2010/09/30

shelves: after-the-fall, fun, novels, own-it

Foundation (Foundation, #1)

Foundation (Foundation, #1)

author: Isaac Asimov

name: Steev

average rating: 3.82

book published: 1951

rating: 3

read at:

date added: 2010/10/15



How I Became a Famous Novelist

How I Became a Famous Novelist

author: Steve Hely

name: Steev

average rating: 3.69

book published: 2009

rating: 4

read at: 2010/11/21

date added: 2010/11/21

shelves: fun, novels, own-it