The Lifelong Activist: How to Change the World Without Losing Your Way
author: Hillary Rettig
name: Steev
average rating: 4.04
book published: 2006
rating: 5
read at: 2010/06/14
date added: 2010/06/18
shelves: spirit-self, politics
This is a really very good book and very useful to me even before I finished reading it. It took me a long time for 2 reasons: first, there was a lot in it that I tried out as I went, pausing in my reading till I'd assimilated some of the ideas. and second, a lot of the book is sort of scary because it presents ways to make your life as an activist better but only with considerable work and changes to the way you do things.
I'm still dealing with that feeling, but the point is that this book offers lots and lots of hope for how to continue to be engaged and involved as someone working to make the world a better place, even as you get older and move through different phases of life.
If you've ever felt burned out or ineffective or marginalized or ready to throw in the towel and just go back to being a regular clueless person (swallow the blue pill), this book will probably reinvigorate you, though it may also be daunting. keep forging ahead, and if you have to, skip some chapters and come back to them later. I sort of feel like the "self-actualization" section of the book should have come closer to the beginning, and the "marketing" section should have been at the very end. i skipped around some to make it easier.
Anyway. yes. read this. it's awesome.