
Aileen Wuornos

Okay, so now it's tuesday.

To be like a real blogger, i will mention that i just found out about Nick Broomfields new second look at Aileen Wuornos. here's his site. Read more>>>

ok, this is looking pretty good.

Wow, the potential is pretty high, i think.

hmm... i wonder how you display categories. i've set up a couple, but the entries don't look any different. there's probably a special tag to put in the template. hmm.

oh, i see. i should just RTFM. hah. <$MTEntryCategory$>


this is going to take a while to figure out...

First entry

Ok, here it is, the first moveable type blog entry here.
woohoo. sort of more easy and more hard than i thought it would be to install.

the docs could be a little better. in fact the installation docs are unlike anything i've ever seen. i'm not sure why. they seem aimed at below the level of geeks, but above the level of most non-geeks. strange.