Archive - 2012

The Baffler No. 21

The Baffler No. 21

author: John Summers

name: Steev

average rating: 4.40

book published: 2012

rating: 5

read at: 2012/12/19

date added: 2012/12/20

shelves: politics, fun

I've been reading the Baffler since the early 90s. It's quite simply one of the consistently very best periodicals for those with a tendency toward critical thinking and an intellectual but irreverent analysis of late capitalism, politics, consumerism, and the media. It's like Harper's times one hundred. It's wonderful.

That said, every time I read an issue, it angers and saddens me with almost every page, just like Harper's does but 100 times worse. There is of course the geeky enjoyment of seeing written in eloquent form the sentiments I feel every day about our screwed up system and society, but also there is a profound bitterness and despair which sometimes threaten to overwhelm me.

Sound Art For An Art Opening

Early this fall, I was asked by my friend Peter Young to provide audio accompaniment to the opening of his art exhibition, "Capitalist Masterpieces", at Tucson MOCA. The original idea was that, instead of having a band or a DJ play normal music that would just get turned to mud by the cavernous, reverberant space of the museum (which used to be the city of Tucson's downtown firehouse), why not provide a soundscape performance that was more fit to that room, and also fill the other smaller galleries with abstract sound inspired by the paintings? Because of problems resulting from the museum's priorities, we weren't able to provide all of Peter's request, but I did create 3 site-specific audio art pieces for 3 of the back galleries, which I'm rather happy with and would love to have heard beyond the one-time, 2-hour event. Here you can listen to these pieces, and if you wish, purchase the tracks for yourself. Buying the whole album also gets you a map and some photos from the opening on December 14.

Dots and Loops: The Band That Never Was

In the Fall of 2012 a trio of experimental musicians attempted something and failed.
This is a glimpse of the 2nd of 3 of their sessions, 2 november 2012.

Dots And Loops website:

Cast: steev hise

Tags: dots and loops, music, audio art, improvisation, time lapse, electronics, electroacoustic, audiomulch and blasser

Scenes from Around Tucson on 12.12.12.

A quick montage of selected raw footage shot around town for One Day On Earth on December 12, 2012. I ended up concentrating on a lot of construction work, I guess because there's a lot of it going on in Tucson right now.

Cast: steev hise

Tags: tucson, one day on earth, 12.12.12, urban, downtown and construction

The Kickstarter Handbook: Real-Life Success Stories of Artists, Inventors, and Entrepreneurs

The Kickstarter Handbook: Real-Life Success Stories of Artists, Inventors, and Entrepreneurs

author: Don Steinberg

name: Steev

average rating: 3.73

book published: 2012

rating: 5

read at: 2012/12/07

date added: 2012/12/09

shelves: own-it, filmmaking

This is pretty much as good a book as I could reasonably expect in the realm of step-by-step guides on how to do a Kickstarter campaign. Covers all the bases, explains things clearly and completely, and is very useful. I already knew quite a bit on the subject, from reading numerous blog posts by various people who had highly successful Kickstarter campaigns, and just from observing projects I've backed over the last couple of years. But I'd recommend this to people like me as well as people who've never really looked into it but want to learn how to crowdfund.

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius

author: Dave Eggers

name: Steev

average rating: 3.62

book published: 2000

rating: 5

read at: 2012/11/19

date added: 2012/11/19

shelves: fun, spirit-self, own-it


The Web Mini-Series

You can now watch all the webisodes of Truth On The Line right here in this handy widget:

Zen Hens Kickstarter campaign

For the last year or so Greta and I have been part of a little group of backyard chicken-keepers here in Tucson, called Zen Hens. We want to print up t-shirts and other stuff with our logo on it, but we're lacking the capital to invest in that, so we're doing a Kickstarter fundraising campaign. I made the campaign video. Click through using this widget, and if you want to help out, or just get a cool t-shirt or apron or sticker, pledge your support. Thanks!

The Final Webisode

This is it.

Stay tuned for other news as we continue to explore other avenues of getting TOTL seen. In the meantime, please share and tweet, etc, this and other episodes, and the link to the whole series.

Also, there's a "tip jar" on Vimeo that makes it easy to give a little to reward creative work like this - just click through to this video's page and then click the "tip this video" button. You can use paypal or a card. Thanks for your support!

Truth On The Line - webisode 6 - Finale

In this conclusion to the web mini-series, the show must go on! The News On The Line reporters take a daring chance with S.W.A.M.P.'s tape of an immigration raid.

For more information about the project, see A lot went into the making of Truth On The Line; If you like the project and would like to help Steev continue to make cool stuff like this, please show your support and contribute - click the "tip this video" button on the video's Vimeo page. Thanks for watching and helping!

Cast: steev hise, rynsa and Kevin Anderson Photography

Tags: totl, immigration, borders, journalism, media, web series, tip jar, crowdfunding and conclusion