Archive - 2012
Occupy Tucson Evicted From De Anza Park March 1
After a month at De Anza park just north of downtown Tucson, police forced out the Occupy Tucson encampment, arresting several particpants and packing up tents and other belongings.
(Shot with a Panasonic AF-100 and a Lumix Vario 14-140 lens.)
Cast: steev hise
Tags: occupy, tucson, arizona, protest, police, activism and news
This is a collage piece that began as a backdrop to a few live shows I did in 2001, premiering in Newcastle, Australia at the This Is Not Art festival. Afterward I edited it down, layered on live audio from performances I did in 1999 and 2001, and the on-screen text is from the original Detritus manifesto that I wrote in 1995. In light of the recent SOPA and PIPA intellectual property oppression, the ideas here seem worth yet another look. for more information on these ideas, see detritus.net
Hey, Vimeo's new "tip jar" feature allows you to support my work one little donation at a time! If you like this video you can help me keep creating more by clicking the "tip this video" button below (on the video's page on Vimeo). Thanks!
Cast: steev hise
Tags: collage, appropriation, copyright, montage, detritus, experimental, food, recycling and compost
author: Thich Nhat Hanh
name: Steev
average rating: 4.14
book published:
rating: 5
read at: 2012/01/31
date added: 2012/01/31
shelves: spirit-self, own-it
What can I say, Thich Naht Hanh is a very wise man. I don't know if this is the best book I've ever read on anger, or the most practical, but it gave me lots to think and meditate on.
The Man in the High Castle
author: Philip K. Dick
name: Steev
average rating: 3.82
book published: 1962
rating: 5
read at: 2004/06/01
date added: 2009/10/17
shelves: novels, politics
I think this is still my favorite of all PKD's novels. It has the most sweeping vision of alternate reality and it is the most chilling and close to home, even if it's one of the most outlandish.