The Kickstarter Handbook: Real-Life Success Stories of Artists, Inventors, and Entrepreneurs
author: Don Steinberg
name: Steev
average rating: 3.73
book published: 2012
rating: 5
read at: 2012/12/07
date added: 2012/12/09
shelves: own-it, filmmaking
This is pretty much as good a book as I could reasonably expect in the realm of step-by-step guides on how to do a Kickstarter campaign. Covers all the bases, explains things clearly and completely, and is very useful. I already knew quite a bit on the subject, from reading numerous blog posts by various people who had highly successful Kickstarter campaigns, and just from observing projects I've backed over the last couple of years. But I'd recommend this to people like me as well as people who've never really looked into it but want to learn how to crowdfund.