Archive - May 2011
Doomsday Averted
So yesterday, as you're aware, Brother Camping was proven wrong once again about when the world would end. To commemorate this I put together a little DJ set of relevant music and sound and broadcast it on ustream. While "spinning" I also played some old vhs tapes on a tv and pointed my webcam at the screen in an attempt at improvising some kind of video element without too much preparation. You can watch/listen below, and below that, read the playlist. I like how i managed to make the set tell a little story, introducing the situation, looking at the people going and the people "left behind" from both perspectives, then getting into the nature of evil while also criticizing the assumptions of the Dispensationalists that believe wackos like Harold Camping and others like him throughout history... then examining the armageddon situation as it would continue, and then some final jabs at Christianity and the worst of those who believe it, and finally it all dissolves away and everything is ok... or is it?
author: Robert Olen Butler
name: Steev
average rating: 3.30
book published: 2009
rating: 5
read at: 2011/05/03
date added: 2011/05/03
shelves: fun, novels, own-it
Super entertaining but also full of interesting ideas about human-ness, and life, afterlife, suffering, love, free will, and other lofty things. A wise book disguised as goofball comedy.