Archive - 2010
Interview #3: Steev Hise
In this clip you'll see Steev wearing his best guayabera and that he just can't stop being a director, even to the person interviewing him. He also talks about the concepts behind the Truth On The Line project, what its goals are, and why he's doing it.
Interview with "Truth On The Line" Writer/Director
In this clip you'll see that Steev Hise just can't stop being a director, even to the person interviewing him. He also talks about the idea behind the Truth On The Line project, what its goals are, and why he's doing it.
Truth On The Line's first episode is in post-production. For more information and related content, and to sign up for the TOTL newsletter, see truthontheline.tv
Shot in HD (720p) with a Canon SD780IS, audio recorded with a Zoom H4. (There was a little technical problem with the microphone during this so you'll hear a little distortion on some parts of the interview. por siento!)
What Is the What
author: Dave Eggers
name: Steev
average rating: 4.21
book published: 2006
rating: 5
read at: 2010/03/14
date added: 2010/03/14
shelves: novels, own-it, politics
This book is really well written, as one would expect from Dave Eggers, and also heart-rendingly sad and touching.
It's a painful and painstaking look at the true life of a Sudanese refugee, a detailed personal glimpse at the kind of life that is usually just part of the flood of bad news statistics we see every day.
From a Drizzly Cold Remote (but still wired) Place
Writing from a little room called "The Matrix" at Diamond Mountain, this is an email I just sent to an employee of Dream Host, the company that hosts most of my web sites, many of which (including this one) had some downtime this weekend: Read more>>>
Cast Interview #2: Steve McKee
Steve discusses the dual nature of the TOTL story, what attracted him as an actor to the project and to the lead role of Stan, and the benefits he saw in director Steev Hise's use of the Mark Travis directing technique.
Cast Interview #2: Steve McKee
Steve discusses the dual nature of the TOTL story, what attracted him as an actor to the project and to the lead role of Stan, and the benefits he saw in director Steev Hise's use of the Mark Travis directing technique.
Truth On The Line Cast Interview 2: Steve McKee
Steve discusses the dual nature of the TOTL story, what attracted him as an actor to the project and to the lead role of Stan, and the benefits he saw in director Steev Hise's use of the Mark Travis directing technique.
Truth On The Line's first episode is in post-production. For more information and related content, and to sign up for the TOTL newsletter, see truthontheline.tv
Shot in HD (720p) with a Canon SD780IS, audio recorded with a Zoom H4.
First Truth On The Line cast interview
We hear from Ryn about why he became involved with Truth On The Line, his thoughts about the unique nature of the project, and the challenges of playing the role of Joel.