Archive - Mar 2010
Belated Musings About The Beach
Two weeks ago Greta, Josie, and I were in San Carlos, Mexico, on the sunlit eastern edge of the Sea of Cortez. I'm just now getting around to writing a bit about it.
When planning the trip, I wanted to not camp, because the week before I had just had a cold wet camping experience for a few days. I wanted a good ol' semi-luxurious vacation. I've never really done that. My travels have always been about cheapness, and hardship, and doing worthwhile things along the way, like activist projects or making films. For once I just wanted to relax and enjoy myself. We also wanted to be sure to stay at a hotel that allowed dogs. I went online and found a sort of hotel search engine site for Mexico, and one of the criteria was permitting pets. When I chose that criterion, only one hotel in San Carlos came up - this place that looked quite fancy, the Paradiso Resort. However, it was within my price range and we decided to risk being surrounded by yuppies and shallow sorority girls and just go. Read more>>>
TimesCast: Metaboring
The New York Times has started an innovative new daily video feature called "TimesCast". the idea is that the viewer gets to see a glimpse into the news room and meetings as the paper's staff briefly run through the big stories of the new day.
This at first seems kind of neat until you actually watch it and realize it's actually sort of boring. Newspaper journalists aren't necesarily the most interesting on-camera personalities, and most of the segments are not adding any extra information or juicy behind-the-scenes, making-of angle to the stories. Where's the staffers arguing about whether a story should really be covered? Where's the editor relegating some writer's hard work to page 23 at the last minute? Read more>>>
Interview #3: Steev Hise
In this clip you'll see Steev wearing his best guayabera and that he just can't stop being a director, even to the person interviewing him. He also talks about the concepts behind the Truth On The Line project, what its goals are, and why he's doing it.
Interview with "Truth On The Line" Writer/Director
In this clip you'll see that Steev Hise just can't stop being a director, even to the person interviewing him. He also talks about the idea behind the Truth On The Line project, what its goals are, and why he's doing it.
Truth On The Line's first episode is in post-production. For more information and related content, and to sign up for the TOTL newsletter, see truthontheline.tv
Shot in HD (720p) with a Canon SD780IS, audio recorded with a Zoom H4. (There was a little technical problem with the microphone during this so you'll hear a little distortion on some parts of the interview. por siento!)
What Is the What
author: Dave Eggers
name: Steev
average rating: 4.21
book published: 2006
rating: 5
read at: 2010/03/14
date added: 2010/03/14
shelves: novels, own-it, politics
This book is really well written, as one would expect from Dave Eggers, and also heart-rendingly sad and touching.
It's a painful and painstaking look at the true life of a Sudanese refugee, a detailed personal glimpse at the kind of life that is usually just part of the flood of bad news statistics we see every day.
From a Drizzly Cold Remote (but still wired) Place
Writing from a little room called "The Matrix" at Diamond Mountain, this is an email I just sent to an employee of Dream Host, the company that hosts most of my web sites, many of which (including this one) had some downtime this weekend: Read more>>>