Archive - Dec 9, 2009

Humanitarian Litterer in the Desert

The other day I went to a rally and press conference put on by No More Deaths to support our friend Walt. Walt is actually one of the first people I met when I first visited Tucson, wondering if I should move there.  He's a seminary student in L.A. now, but he's still dealing with a federal littering charge from earlier this year when he was leaving water jugs in the desert for migrants.  This is a little video documenting the event.

It's also a test of editing footage shot on my new tiny little still camera, a Canon SD780.  The sound isn't that great, especially with the traffic on the street nearby, but I was so impressed with the 1280x720 resolution that I decided to see what I could do.  I edited it Apple ProRes and chopped down to regular DV, enabling me to cut in a way that wasn't too jarring by changing scale.  It's rough, I only spent a  couple barely-spare hours on it, but it turned out alright, I think.

(I fucking hate that I'm forced to use YouTube in this case but I can't get this Drupal module to recognize a link so I'm stuck right now. I don't have time to mess with it. I hate computers and I hate YouTube.)