Archive - Oct 2009
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 10:43 reading great profile of Wes Anderson in the New Yorker. 2 bad not online except to subscribers. also 2 bad he signed polanski petition.. #
- 12:55 thinking how great this bill moyers interview with David Simon is. icio.us/5c1ozy #
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 10:47 Reading "I Will Not Read Your Fucking Script". pretty great. icio.us/pdloij #
- 15:30 watching the real first version of Star Wars: bit.ly/10iamg #
Free To Pursue Your Real Talent
I just read this great rant by a movie industry bigwig, screenwriter of "A History of Violence." It's entertaining it's extreme honesty and openness about the craft of screenwriting, and it's funny, and it's called "I Will Not Read Your Fucking Script." I recommend reading it if you are any sort of creative person.
One of the best ideas is this:
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 10:20 listening to my recording of the Built To Spill show last night. #
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 09:45 Standing in endless line at epic cafe. Sigh. #
- 15:21 making a latte and about to eat a cupcake with a skull and crossbones on it. life is good. #
- 15:44 reading The Digital Given: 10 Web 2.0 Theses icio.us/3vqhod #
- 18:07 on a SCHMOOCALL with @SchmooNEWS! #
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 14:01 watching almost-final edit of war tax flim #
- 14:23 question 4 film folks: what credit do u give someone who starts off as director/producer but u take it away and have someone else edit? #
- 17:02 sick of hate: bit.ly/2Ym3fa #
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 13:13 working on the revised 2009 version of Wild Versus Wall. #
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 16:43 writing on goodreads about a book i finished reading the other day, "True Believer, Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements" #