Archive - Nov 6, 2009

Yesterday's Twitter Tweets

  • 09:21 sitting on the porch, eating raisin toast and drinking a homemade cafe au lait and blogging. #
  • 10:53 the morning was going ok until i tried to actually DO anything. sigh. #

Not Enough Five-Star Bricks-and-Mortar

In the November issue of Harper's, the title story, "Final Edition," by Richard Rodriguez, is about "the twilight of the American newspaper."  He makes a touching and saddening case that we are truly losing something important to our social fabric with the recent closure of so much daily print media in this country.  He is persuasive in arguing that a lot of the fault lies with the newspaper industry itself and the greedy corporate entities that run it.

However, one of the most compelling points is a paragraph toward the end of the article: Read more>>>