Archive - Jun 9, 2008


Today's Tweets

Actually this is Twitter tweets from last night and today:

  • 18:48 about to go to a potluck and slideshow about some friends trip to guatemala #
  • 09:19 a rare morning at Epic Cafe eating an AMwhich and reading email #
  • 10:19 watching Current interview with Josh Wolf #
  • 11:05 watching "lilshowstoppa" on youtube. OMG! #
  • 13:48 just ate lunch, trying to get back to logging footage. #
  • 14:20 watching clips of the border patrol filling in Smuggler's Gulch down by San Diego. #

Hilarious Obama Victory Vid

This little mashup video celebrating Obama's win is a really great editing job.

And while we're watching that, here's a funny Hillary Clinton mashup based on a YouTube meme: