Archive - Jun 17, 2008
Many projects are all happening at once. It's pretty exciting, though a bit stressful, with accompanying deadlines.
I finally got the narration finalized and recorded (with my new large-diaphragm condenser mic - sounds great!) for the Sierra Club border impacts video I'm doing, which means I can finally finish it, probably over the next week. But, I'm also trying to make a trailer for the war tax resistance doc, and this is the time of the month to edit Indymedia Newsreal too. whew. And there's a more banal but well-paying video job I should get to as well that I won't go into.
Yesterday's Twitter tweets:
- 08:13 dealnig w larger-than-usual drift of spam, and huge amounts of 'backscatter' - bounce messages resulting frm spammers pretending to b me.. #
- 09:15 thinking how interesting it is that twitter 4 many people is just a chat room. they just blurt whtvr they want rthr than answer the Question #
- 10:32 @jennycool I guess I view Twitter as a sort of thought experiment, and with thought experiments, or all experiments, I'm a purist. #
- 10:41 I do agree, @jennycool - as William Gibson once wrote, "The street finds its own uses for things." but we had Spacebar >12 yrs ago. #
- 14:20 editing trailer for WTR doc.. it's looking good! #