Archive - Oct 2012 - Story
Webisode 4 - Aftermaths
Joel deals with the aftermath of an immigration raid, and Stan wakes up to a morning after.
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Webisode 3 - the plot thickens
Things are heating up in today's segment:
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Webisode Two
Please check out the second installment of the 6-part mini-series.
Truth On The Line - webisode 2.
Here we meet another lead character, and learn more about Stan the anchorman's ideas for a re-vitalized form of television journalism.
If you like this project, why not try a new form of internet cultural patronage? You can contribute a small amount to help the creators do more cool stuff, by clicking through to the Vimeo page and then clicking the "tip this video" button. Thank you for your support!
Web Mini-Series Launches Today! Webisode One!
Today is the first time the general public is able to see any of Truth On The Line. Enjoy this first installment of the web mini-series.
In this webisode, we introduce Stan (Steve McKee) and Maria (Burgundi Phoenix), the anchorpeople of a TV program called News On The Line. As you'll see, Stan's unhappy with the way the show is done and wants to update it.
For the next 3 weeks we'll bring you the rest of the series, every Monday and Thursday. Watch this site, or come back to the Truth On The Line Vimeo album.
If you like what you see and want to help the writer/director, Steev Hise, continue to make cool stuff, why not try "tipping" him? It's easy, just Click through to the Vimeo page for this webisode and then click the "tip this video" button. Thanks for your support!
New Trailer!
Check out our exciting new trailer:
Truth On The Line web mini-series trailer.
Stay tuned for the launch of the webseries this Thursday, October 18...
Web Mini-Series launching soon!
We're excited to announce that later this week we'll launch the web series version of Truth On The Line. The original production has been segmented into 6 "webisodes" and we'll debut the first of these on Thursday, October 18, 2012. The other five webisodes will become available over the next three weeks on Mondays and Thursdays. Tomorrow we'll post a new trailer for the series, so watch this space!