Archive - Apr 3, 2006 - Blog entry
Voter Reward
Wow. there's actually someone trying to get this initiative on the ballot in Arizona for this fall:
This law will establish a voter reward random drawing every two years with a first prize of one million dollars or more. The purpose is to increase voter participation. Voters who cast ballots in primary or general elections will be eligible to win. The money will come from the Arizona Lottery and private donations.
What a good idea. Maybe it would even get some of my misguided anarchistoid friends to vote.
(thanx José)
New Juárez Flickr Group
Last night I set up a new Flickr group for photos relating to the murdered women in Juárez and Chihuahua. It's located at http://flickr.com/groups/femicide/.
If you have photos that are relevant and you use or want to use Flickr, I invite you to join.