Archive - Apr 28, 2006 - Blog entry

"On The Edge" Update

There are a few recent developments regarding my film about the Juárez femicide that I haven't blogged about so I thought I would do so today.

  • The DVD is going to be released by a record label that wants to expand into publishing documentaries. I'm excited. The official release won't be till early August, but this may be good because that's roughly the time that some are predicting that "Bordertown," the J-Lo flick about the situation, will be coming out.
  • A new cover for the DVD is being designed. It's a new experience for me working with a professional who is not a friend and who's aesthetic i'm not familiar with. We'll see how it turns out.
  • I talked to someone at Al-Jazeera International last week. This is the new english-language satellite/cable network that is just launching, based in Doha, Kuala Lampur, D.C., and London. There's interest in airing my film or parts of it. I sent a copy, need to follow up on that.
  • Tonight I'm borrowing a car and driving 2 hours to Bisbee to show the film there. Bisbee is a small ex-coppermining town that now is sort of a hippie/retirement/tourism haven. cute little old-fashioned downtown. I hope some people show up. I wish I wasn't going alone. :-( Fortunately it's early and i'll get back to Tucson at a reasonable hour in time to go to a friend's going away party. (there it is again - everyone leaving Tucson as summer approaches. sad.)
  • Tommorow, the film is screening in Arivaca, a tiny little ranching town about 45 minutes south of Tucson. It's part of an all-day "film expo" that is happening.
  • Also tommorrow I'll be on a panel discussion about activist filmmaking as part of the Arizona International Film Festival here in Tucson. I'm going to show a short clip from the film and talk about working with activist groups involved with the Juárez situation.

    So, things are busy with the film. yay. keep checking the film's page for constant updates.