
New Trailer!

Check out our exciting new trailer:

Truth On The Line web mini-series trailer.

Stay tuned for the launch of the webseries this Thursday, October 18...

Truth On The Line - webisode 1

Truth On The Line is a story about media, journalism, immigration, and life, written and directed by Steev Hise. This webisode launches the 6-part web mini-series, introducing Stan (Steve McKee) and Maria (Burgundi Phoenix), anchorpersons for a TV news program called News On The Line. In this webisode there's some growing friction between Stan and the rest of the show's staff about how to run things.

Future webisodes will be available twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. For more information about the project, see A lot went into the making of Truth On The Line; If you like the project and would like to help Steev continue to make cool stuff like this, please show your support and contribute a few shekels - click the "tip this video" button on the video's Vimeo page. Thanks for watching and helping!

Cast: steev hise, Jamie A. Lee and Kevin Anderson

Tags: web series, tucson, media, immigration, borders, journalism, television, activism, TOTL and tip jar

Web Mini-Series launching soon!

We're excited to announce that later this week we'll launch the web series version of Truth On The Line. The original production has been segmented into 6 "webisodes" and we'll debut the first of these on Thursday, October 18, 2012. The other five webisodes will become available over the next three weeks on Mondays and Thursdays. Tomorrow we'll post a new trailer for the series, so watch this space!

Truth On The Line web mini-series trailer

Now on the Interwebs! Truth On The Line, a story about immigration, the media, journalism, life, and more! Brought to you by Liminal Communications and Pan Left Productions. Written & directed by Steev Hise. More info:

If you like this video and want to help the creators make more like it, please click the "tip this video" button below and tip us! Thanks for your support!

Cast: steev hise, rynsa, Kevin Anderson, J.M. Aragón and Jamie A. Lee

Tags: web series, tucson, media, immigration, borders, journalism, television, activism and TOTL

Tucson Kidical Mass

Some scenes from the first Tucson Kidical Mass in March 2012. Other Kidical Masses are scheduled for Oct 6 at Himmel Park and October 27 at Tucson Children's Museum.

Hey, Vimeo's new "tip jar" feature allows you to support my work one little donation at a time! If you like this video you can help me keep creating more by clicking the "tip this video" button below. Thanks!

Cast: steev hise

Tags: bikes, kids, bicycles, children, kidical mass, rides and tucson



author: Douglas Coupland

name: Steev

average rating: 3.67

book published: 2006

rating: 5

read at: 2012/10/02

date added: 2012/10/02

shelves: own-it, fun, novels


O Amazonas Escuro

O Amazonas Escuro

author: Eugene K. Garber

name: Steev

average rating: 1.00

book published: 2010

rating: 5

read at: 2012/09/14

date added: 2012/09/27

shelves: novels, fun

Zen Hens Kickstarter video

This video was created to accompany a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign conducted by Zen Hens. The campaign is intended to fund the creation of new t-shirts and aprons and other apparel with a new Zen Hens logo. Check out the campaign here:

At any rate, I want to show off the video. It demonstrates pretty well, I think, my abilities at making this kind of thing, and I'm interested in doing more, so if you have a Kickstarter or other fundraising campaign for a project or organization that you'd like a video for, I'm available for hire.

Also, if you'd like to support my work so that I can keep doing stuff like this (which is often un or under funded), in addition to more artistic media work, Vimeo now has the feature called a "Tip Jar" - you can donate a small amount by clicking the "tip this video" button below. Thanks for your support!

Cast: steev hise

Tags: chickens, tucson, gardening, fundraising, crowdfunding, kickstarter, eggs and farmer's markets

The Vegan Revolution... with Zombies

The Vegan Revolution... with Zombies

author: David Agranoff

name: Steev

average rating: 3.71

book published: 2010

rating: 2

read at:

date added: 2012/08/29

shelves: after-the-fall, food, fun, own-it, novels, politics

Liquid Sky

Liquid Sky

author: Anne Carlisle

name: Steev

average rating: 3.64

book published: 1987

rating: 4

read at: 1990/01/01

date added: 2012/08/26

shelves: fun, novels, own-it, to-re-read