
Journey of the Heart: Path of Conscious Love, The

Journey of the Heart: Path of Conscious Love, The

author: John Welwood

name: Steev

average rating: 4.40

book published: 1996

rating: 5

read at: 2007/01/01

date added: 2008/07/08

shelves: spirit-self

this is a really important book for anyone trying to figure out how to really have a real relationship.

The Story of B: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit

The Story of B: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit

author: Daniel Quinn

name: Steev

average rating: 3.93

book published: 1996

rating: 5

read at:

date added: 2008/07/08



Beyond Civilization: Humanity's Next Great Adventure

Beyond Civilization: Humanity's Next Great Adventure

author: Daniel Quinn

name: Steev

average rating: 3.76

book published: 1999

rating: 5

read at:

date added: 2008/07/08



Mumbo Jumbo

Mumbo Jumbo

author: Ishmael Reed

name: Steev

average rating: 3.77

book published: 1971

rating: 4

read at:

date added: 2008/07/08



My Ishmael

My Ishmael

author: Daniel Quinn

name: Steev

average rating: 3.91

book published: 1998

rating: 4

read at:

date added: 2010/03/09

shelves: spirit-self


Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit

Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit

author: Daniel Quinn

name: Steev

average rating: 3.89

book published: 1992

rating: 5

read at:

date added: 2008/07/08



A Dream I Had

It was a Mexican gunfighter western movie kind of dream, mixed with an old dream i always used to have in college, that i had
forgotten to go to a class all semester and suddenly realized i had a final exam. At the end of the dream I was in
a math class taking the test I wasn't prepared for, didn't expect, but I did okay on it. but then we students were complaining about the teachers, who were like 3 quiet dorky Mexican men, and as we were complaining lunch arrived, a giant pizza like 10 feet in diameter. the toppings on the pizza were not evenly spread out but instead were like a pie chart, with relative proportions of toppings indicated by the width of a wedge of that topping on the pie. I suddenly stood up and exclaimed, "this society will always be regimented as long as pizzas are made like that!" and i stepped up and started re-arranging the toppings, scattering lettuce and everything else evenly around the pizza. In a few seconds a bunch of other students got the idea and joined me. in a few minutes the toppings were all spread out like on a normal pizza and we stepped back to admire our work.

I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.

The Wired Method

I happened upon an article in Wired, I think it might be last month's coverstory(?), about how working with huge amounts of data (their big buzzword they keep repeating is Petabytes) and clusters of computers to crunch the data with statistical methods have qualitatively changed the way science will be done. The lead is basically "the end of the scientific method."

Of course the comments on the page after the article are full of people arguing and protesting that of course the writer is wrong and of course he knows nothing about science and this isn't fundamentally changing science.... blah blah blah.

The article is actually interesting, a bit, but it's mostly hype, and the conclusion that's most important is that Wired magazine is still up to the same old tricks: throw a bunch of smoke and mirrors up around a certain pop-tech idea and watch as all the outraged and/or excited geeks scurry around buying copies of the magazine and/or hitting the web site. It doesn't matter what's true, as long as it sells.

It's the same way with most papers and magazines, like the local arts/culture rag here in Tucson, the Tucson Weekly. Full of bullshit written by either imbeciles or racists (or both), spewing hate, nonsense, borderline softcore porn, and/or silliness that the editors may or may not agree with - but it doesn't matter because the outrage inflates circulation, which inflates advertiser revenue. I'm so sick of it but what to do? A letter to the editor would just be proof that one more chump reads the paper. Ka-ching! In fact, you probably shouldn't click on those links in this paragraph. doh!

The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Journey

The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Journey

author: Che Guevara

name: Steev

average rating: 3.74

book published: 1995

rating: 4

read at: 2003/12/01

date added: 2008/07/03
