Radical Resources: A Story of the Dry River Collective
This film, produced and directed by Steev Hise for Pan Left Productions (panleft.org ), tells about the underground community center in Tucson called Dry River Radical Resource Center. Founded in the fall of 2005, the place is an infoshop, music venue, computer center, free store, and more. For more info, see dryriver.org
A Reassuring Thought
My friend José posted something to his blog that really gives me some hope in these seemingly dark times. Basically it is the idea that people are divided into 2 schools of thought: those who really want you to be scared that if "law and order" and the "institutions" break down, civilization will collapse into a Hobbesean nightmare of everyone for themselves, and then other people who recognize that people are basically good and will band together to help each other and protect each other from harm and mishap when the going gets tough.
Like José says in his post, "print out this brilliant comment... and keep a copy handy at all times given the faddish resurgence of doomsday cults."
It's so easy to panic and be afraid. But hey, let's not, okay?
Back Home Trying To Get Stuff Together
It's been a while since I've blogged here but I've been more active over on my new border news website/blog, http://newsontheline.tv - this was created, as I explained a couple posts ago, for a new border project, which I call "Transition in the Borderlands" - the idea was to travel along the border during the week before and after Inauguration Day, and talk to people about how they think their communities are effected by the border wall and border militarization, and whether they think things will change and how, now that Chertoff and Bush are out, and Obama is in.
Now I'm done with the trip and busy catching up on other things and going over my footage. I'll be editing together several little vignettes, in addition to the 2 that I've already done:
One Sunday At Friendship Park
A small group of community members meet every Sunday afternoon at this unique park on the U.S./Mexico border, but how much longer will they be allowed to do so?
Cast: steev hise
Michael Chertoff Retirement Party in Tucson
A few days before the end of the Bush administration, some Tucson activists and environmentalists gathered for a celebration of the end of Michael Chertoff's role as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.
Part of the special "Transition in the Borderlands" project of News On The Line ( see newsontheline.tv for more information )
(re-edit v3)
Cast: steev hise
New Border Project
I drove all the way to San Diego yesterday. I'm starting a new project to visit some spots along the U.S./Mexico border, communities impacted by the wall and other militarization, in the final days of Bush and the first days of Obama.
I'll be blogging in detail as I go at a new site, http://newsontheline.tv/.
Yesterday's Twitter tweets:
- 08:11 waking up and thinking about funding for future projects. #
- 10:22 marvelling at how fascinating it is when u can see 2 or more totally unrelated "friends" on Facebook posting the same video. viral, i guess #
- 13:53 really wanting to blurt some very strong opions here on twitter but would probably bite me in ass someday when i'm running for president. #
- 14:45 feeling very jaded. sigh. #
- 15:57 just spent 2 hours on a conf call. now going for a walk to clear head. not much work getting done. waaah. #
The Tipping Point
author: Malcolm Gladwell
name: Steev
average rating: 3.67
book published: 2000
rating: 4
read at: 2005/11/01
date added: 2009/01/09
shelves: to-re-read
This is one of those great "big idea" books.
The funny thing is that I read it in 2005 in one night passing through Flagstaff on a film tour. I think I read it so fast that I would benefit from reading it again.