
Super Sad True Love Story

Super Sad True Love Story

author: Gary Shteyngart

name: Steev

average rating: 3.44

book published: 2010

rating: 5

read at: 2011/07/30

date added: 2011/07/31

shelves: after-the-fall, fun, novels, wishlist

the wheels were rolling until we used the brakes.

This is a collaging and "folding" of video collage generated at a live performance of the Tucson Bikeastra in December 2010, during the BICAS Art Auction in Tucson. Additional live footage of the performers is also included.

The Bikeastra was Glenn Weyant and Scott Kerr playing musical instruments fashioned from bike parts, with live video accompaniment and additional electronic soundscapes by Steev Hise. For this mashed-up document, realtime manipulated video from the set lasting a total of approximately 40 minutes was edited down, chopped up and superimposed on itself in a 4-way screen split, resulting in an increased density of video information. The sound is collaged from the recorded audio channel coming from Steev's laptop. No recording of the actual performed mix that night exists.

Cast: steev hise and Glenn Weyant

Tags: experimental, live, vj, bikes, transportation, bicycles, art, music and avant garde

In The Can

trip to the border at Campo, California - 75This is a quick update to note that we have wrapped post-production on Episode One. We're pleased with the results and are now entering the hardest phase of the project, getting it out to the world, securing funds for continuing, and promotion. We'll have news as it develops about these efforts. Thanks everyone who has been involved and interested.

The Conversations: Walter Murch and the Art of Editing Film

The Conversations: Walter Murch and the Art of Editing Film

author: Michael Ondaatje

name: Steev

average rating: 4.34

book published: 2004

rating: 5

read at: 2008/01/25

date added: 2011/07/07

shelves: filmmaking


A Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork Orange

author: Anthony Burgess

name: Steev

average rating: 4.06

book published: 1962

rating: 5

read at:

date added: 2011/07/07



The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

author: Tom Wolfe

name: Steev

average rating: 3.81

book published: 1967

rating: 5

read at:

date added: 2011/07/07



If on a Winter's Night a Traveler

If on a Winter's Night a Traveler

author: Italo Calvino

name: Steev

average rating: 4.11

book published: 1979

rating: 4

read at:

date added: 2011/07/07



T.A.Z. the Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism (New Autonomy Series)

T.A.Z. the Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism (New Autonomy Series)

author: Hakim Bey

name: Steev

average rating: 4.42

book published: 1991

rating: 5

read at:

date added: 2011/07/07



The Pursuit of Oblivion: A Global History of Narcotics

The Pursuit of Oblivion: A Global History of Narcotics

author: Richard Davenport-Hines

name: Steev

average rating: 3.80

book published: 2001

rating: 4

read at: 2011/06/30

date added: 2011/07/03

shelves: politics