Archive -

A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Cities

author: Charles Dickens

name: Steev

average rating: 3.64

book published: 1859

rating: 3

read at:

date added: 2010/06/18



The Odyssey

The Odyssey

author: Homer

name: Steev

average rating: 3.58

book published: -750

rating: 3

read at:

date added: 2010/06/18



Let Them In: The Case for Open Borders

Let Them In: The Case for Open Borders

author: Jason L. Riley

name: Steev

average rating: 3.44

book published: 2008

rating: 4

read at: 2010/06/06

date added: 2010/06/08

shelves: border

Pacific Edge (Three Californias Triptych)

Pacific Edge (Three Californias Triptych)

author: Kim Stanley Robinson

name: Steev

average rating: 3.81

book published: 1990

rating: 2

read at: 2010/05/09

date added: 2010/05/11

shelves: own-it, novels, after-the-fall

Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions

Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions

author: Edwin A. Abbott

name: Steev

average rating: 3.74

book published: 1884

rating: 4

read at: 1990/01/01

date added: 2010/05/04



Prenuptial Agreements: How To Write A Fair And Lasting Contract, Second Edition

Prenuptial Agreements: How To Write A Fair And Lasting Contract, Second Edition

author: Katherine E. Stoner

name: Steev

average rating: 4.33

book published: 2005

rating: 5

read at: 2010/05/17

date added: 2010/06/17

shelves: own-it, spirit-self

This is a really clear instruction manual, basically. very easy to work through and create your own prenup, or at least draft version. highly recommended. I'm not sure how it could be any better.

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet

author: William Shakespeare

name: Steev

average rating: 3.73

book published: 1597

rating: 3

read at:

date added: 2010/06/18



Halting State

Halting State

author: Charles Stross

name: Steev

average rating: 3.73

book published: 2007

rating: 4

read at: 2010/07/08

date added: 2010/07/12

shelves: fun, novels

The Corrections

The Corrections

author: Jonathan Franzen

name: Steev

average rating: 3.66

book published: 2001

rating: 5

read at: 2010/06/27

date added: 2010/06/27

shelves: fun, novels, spirit-self

The Lifelong Activist: How to Change the World Without Losing Your Way

The Lifelong Activist: How to Change the World Without Losing Your Way

author: Hillary Rettig

name: Steev

average rating: 4.04

book published: 2006

rating: 5

read at: 2010/06/14

date added: 2010/06/18

shelves: spirit-self, politics