Archive - Feb 2019
The Subject Steve
author: Sam Lipsyte
name: Steev
average rating: 3.00
book published: 2001
rating: 4
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date added: 2019/02/15
shelves: fun, novels, own-it
This is a great book. Laugh-out-loud funny, dark, profound. Poetic and snarky and satiric and brilliant. Certainly Lipsyte got better after this first novel. Homeland and The Ask are better. But if you're a fan and a completist, definitely read this.
The drawbacks are that Lipsyte is one of those authors that is all about style rather than realism. His books are bit like Aaron Sorkin's scripts. Nobody really talks that way, but, but it's so good that you don't care. Except you wouldn't want to read only this kind of thing. It's like poetry, rather than a story you can believe in. And that's fine.