Archive - Jun 2014
Mystery Grandma by Stop Motion Orchestra
music video for the song "Mystery Grandma" by Stop Motion Orchestra, from their soon-to-be-released CD.
video by Steev Hise
improvisationally live-cut using Resolume Arena.
Cast: steev hise
timelapse of Negativland setup/check at Red 7 in Austin
shot with a GoPro at 1 frame every 2 seconds conformed to 15fps with MPEGStreamclip.
Cast: steev hise
Tags: Negativland, band, timelapse, noise and live cinema
The Baffler No. 24
author: John Summers
name: Steev
average rating: 4.00
book published: 2014
rating: 5
read at: 2014/06/07
date added: 2014/06/08
shelves: politics, fun, own-it
Took me awhile this time, but the issue does not disappoint. Highlights are the piece by David Graeber about play, the Susan Faludi article on feminism, and the excellent take-down of Vice magazine.