Archive - Mar 31, 2006
From the Justice for Women in Juarez Symposium
For the last 2 days I've been in Las Cruces, New Mexico for a conference on the murdered women of Juarez. It's been a crazy, dizzying blur of panel discussions and networking. I sold or gave away many copies of my film. I talked to many people about my film, about screening it, about how to get it, open sourcing it, and other things. It's been so exciting and so intense too. I will post photos soon but for now check out this post on San Diego Indymedia from DJ Pepperbox, who is also here, she posted a good photo of the "redressing justice" exhibit.
Tommorrow we're going to Juarez. Then I'm heading up to Albuquerque that night.
I'm too frazzled to write more detail. It's just been incredible.