Archive - Aug 17, 2005
La Vida Extraño
Well, I've been back in Portland for a week and things still seem odd. But it's a good odd. It feels like I'm still travelling. Nothing too particularly interesting to blog about on the personal front, and I haven't been doing a whole lot of web surfing or media consumption at all, so there's not a lot of fascinating web links or factoids heard on NPR that I can be shovelling your way, either.
However, things are moving gradually forward, so that's good.
- Here's a sampling of what I've been doing lately:
- filed my taxes
- showed some friends my Juarez doc and got some good feedback
- saw a movie about the wild parrots of San Francisco.
- helped a friend author a DVD for the new version of his zine documentary. and he even paid me a little for it.
- I've been uploading a lot of photos to Flickr.
- Did more thinking about and looking at Current TV. I still think I want to submit some stuff to them.
- Went on a great bike-ride and potluck picnic.
So, yeah, nothing superexciting but, y'know, things are good.