Even the Wingnuts are Believers Now?

So, this is amazing,
Senator McCain evidently now believes in global climate change, according to a
canned reply to a letter i sent recently.   "Human activities, including
the burning of fossil fuels, are the primary source of carbon dioxide
and other greenhouse gas emissions in our atmosphere....As Americans, we
can no longer ignore our significant contribution...The United States
must act responsibly ... It is also essential that we maintain our
leadership role as the world moves toward an international market for
greenhouse gas reductions."

of course, we MUST have a MARKET. of course. At all costs.


beyond this point

detritus posted a photo:

beyond this point

we were the last car.


Happy birthday United States of America. Happy blow-shit-up and barbecue some meat and get drunk day.desecrated flags

While I acknowledge there are some nice things about this nation that I've been lucky enough to be born a citizen of, today I want to think and write about the common belief held by lots of Unitedstatesians that their country is "the best".  "We're number 1!" we hear them shout. Rah Rah.

Let's get right to it. Where are we, exactly, in the rankings? Are we Numero Uno?  How do we compare? Read more>>>


saguaro blossoms

lime meringue pie

detritus posted a photo:

lime meringue pie

greta just keeps coming up with more and more delcious concoctions.

visit to Ruby - 62

Solar Culture June 20 - 03

detritus posted a photo:

Solar Culture June 20 - 03

Glenn Weyant and Steev Hise

amplified chair-thing, viola, processed guitar and samples


detritus posted a photo:


getting ready for a gig on June 20 in Tucson.

visit to Guy McPherson's place - 002

detritus posted a photo:

visit to Guy McPherson's place - 002

josie and lucy

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