The Terminator Threatens Lunch Breaks

So in this article on indybay it is reported that Arnold "declared a state of emergency and announced that he was going to take away California workers' lunch breaks."

How surreal. I mean, just from a media standpoint, to see story like that. I'm sure it's very real to the workers who are fighting it.

re: The Terminator Threatens Lunch Breaks

This is something that just could not happen in Germany. The work week may grow longer, but lunch (and breakfast) will always be there. I couldn't get them to stop **requiring** me to take a breakfast, even if I tried.I mean, WTF? What sort of emergency would it be that would mean people don't need to eat?So Arnie wants to save Wal-Mart a few bucks (chump change, really, compared to the rest of Wal-Mart's profits)? The end result is that the workers will skip lunches & work themselves sick, and the state welfare system will have to have to pick up the slack. So basically, Arnie wants to give Wal-Mart money now that is taken from the taxpayers at some ambiguous future time. Nice.My German co-workers have told me to watch out for Austrians that quickly gain popularity and become leaders. It has happened in Germany before, and led to dire consequences.

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