Team America
I really look forward to this film. Perfect timing, too.
i love how the site graphic is ambiguous about the film's position. Leftwing, irony-enabled folks can see immediately what an excellent critique of US policy this will be. but i can imagine rightwing nutjobs seeing it and not realizing ("aw yeah!!" they shout, raising a fist). i hope they maintain that ambiguity somewhat in their further marketing. otherwise, it willl just be more preaching to the converted....
re: Team America
Funny you should think that, since Matt and Trey are by no means left-wing. If you'd ever watched South Park and seen beyond the swearing and crude cartoon violence, you'd notice that aside from religious right nutjobs, conservatives are hardly ever mocked, whereas the left and its ideas are shot down in nearly every episode.I hardly think a registereed Libertarian member will make a movie that will be appreciated by the 'left wing', let alone a guy who said 'I hate conservatives but I really fucking hate liberals'.Have a nice day.
re: Team America
thanx for the aggressive, impolite and thoughtless comment. iwill reply in kind: you're obviously an idiot.i count myself, if anything, on the left, and all of my friendsdo. i and many of them have seen the trailer and think it lookshilarious, and we're all looking forward to seeing the film. ifyou don't see the implicit criticism and parody that the film isoffering, then you are clueless. you're probably also one ofthose dorks that likes Ayn Rand.And if you're such a Matt and Trey fan here's a good question:how do you account for the cartoon they did in "bowling forcolumbine"? where does that fit into your tight little worldview?here's a quick polysci lesson that might lessen your confusion:the left-right spectrum is really sort of a circle, andlibertarians and anarchists are where, in a way, the 2 ends meet.think about it.
re: Team America
Just saw it. It is definitely a right of center message. Team America may be abrasive, but they're portrayed as the heroes. The left, on the other hand, is portrayed as simplistic peace-loving wimps who fail to recognize evil when it is shown to them.A great pro-American film. I am an atheist and used to lean left as a teenager and in college, but having kids, starting a business, and trying to find an alternative to the borg-like public school system taught me that the "conservative" point of few, minus the religious extremists, is actually the pro-liberty point of view. This film backs it up.
re: Team America
steev, matt and trey didn't do that cartoon in bowling for columbine. matt and trey hate michael moore because that cartoon was made in a south park style and was shown right after matt's interview making it appear as though they made it. another example of moore's ability to feed you lies without actually lying. oh, by the way, ayn rand is amazing.