Shut the Hell Up Mister Bush!!!
Here's a totally awesome, bitterly furious rant by Keith Olbermann on MSNBC, a personal commentary on Bush's most recent ludicrous bullshit - our idiot commander-in-chief announcing that he gave up golf in honor of our Iraq casualties. This is the angriest intelligent anti-administration thing I've seen on mainstream TV for quite a while, if not ever. Bravo, Olbermann! You rock!!
re: Shut the Hell Up Mister Bush!!!
Steev, MSNBC now allows you to embed video from their shows. Here's a URI for a video page that has the code.http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/24635229#24635229
re: Shut the Hell Up Mister Bush!!!
the video has been removed from youtube.