My Film's Juarez Premiere

It turns out that my film will have its Juarez premiere screening at the Border Social Forum, this Saturday at 11:15 AM. It will be at the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez, Building K, Audiovisual room. A complete schedule of the Forum is not even posted yet on the forum's site, which isn't even a real website but just a blogspot blog. And it's less than a week away. I only found out because someone posted the schedule to Houston Indymedia.

It's been extrememly frustrating dealing with the "organizers" of this Forum. They have not been very communicative at all. I was all ready to buy a little projector and go anyway even if my film wasn't being shown, and do some guerilla screenings around the campus. But I'm happy that it will have an official place in the forum. It really only makes sense. I wonder if any of the other filmmakers who have done recent films on the subject, like the 3 I met in Las Cruces in April, will be there?

Anyway, if you're going to the forum, I hope you make it to the film and say hi.

re: My Film's Juarez Premiere

Hey Steev, I'm realy, realy interested in working on having an autonomous space for screenings and workshops. I know a few other people are as well because they want to do workshops but didn't have time to register. I also feel like its important to have space to critique the social forum process itself. Do you know folks in Juarez who can help us to have such a space? Or do you know of friendly spaces there? Thanks!

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