Jello Strikes Out
I went to see Jello Biafra live last night. I've been wanting to see him for like 15 years, and it ended up being an almost total disappointment.
He was so boring! I couldn't believe it. And he just sounded like any other activist wingnut ranter. If it wasn't for his history as god of punk rawk, he'd be a homeless guy in Oakland yelling at pigeons at the BART station. There was just nothing unique or compelling, much less remotely entertaining. I was falling asleep after about 30 minutes, left after another 10. oh man.
re: Jello Strikes Out
I had the same reaction when I saw him here in Chicago a few months ago. Plus, the majority of his stuff was taken from his most recent spoken word album; only the end of his speech, where he talks about visitng New Orleans post-Katrina, was new and interesting.Oh, and he kept getting interrupted every 10-15 minutes by random teenage anarchists who were shouting slogans for their own pet causes. Maybe Jello should have just given them the first 10 minutes of the show to shout all they wanted, and then done his show uninterrupted.