Howdy Y'all, From South Texas
And into this mix wades the fascist police-state right wing, come to put up their little toy fence. This devastation is all so that Chertoff and Bush and all their political buddies can say they did something to stop the HUGE wave of terrorists sneaking in from Mexico (hah!), and so the racists and anti-immigrationists can feel a moment of satisfaction, at least until, sitting in their armchairs in Dallas and Denver and Boise and Sioux City and Boondocks, Ohio and wherever the hell else, they realize, finally looking closely at the map of the new construction, that we're talking about little 2 or 4 or 10 mile chunks of wall with huge 2 or 5 or 20 or 500 mile spaces in between, and that even the sections that have wall will only slow down migrants for about 3-10 seconds as they climb over, dig under, cut through, go around, or even just buy a fake visa instead.
Like I keep saying, Nothing will sway these people from coming except fixing the economic catastrophe that is destroying their countries and ruining their livelihoods - NAFTA and CAFTA and other trade policy foisted on them by the U.S. - because they're starving, and they don't care if you arrest them or hold them in a detention cell, because the alternative is to stay home and starve to death with their kids.
Ok, sorry, I went into rant mode. It's first thing in the morning and I just had my morning coffee and the caffeine is coursing through my veins. hah.
re: Howdy Y'all, From South Texas
The Rio Grande probably is similar to America in a nutshell. I've realized the difference between this small sector of the state, and nation, and it is it's own small ecosystem. (to sum up)However, maybe it is only in Brownsville, but I don't concur to it the Valley being filled with cowboys and trialer parks. It's actually the opposite. Hispanic-filled, below poverty line, corporate ruining, Tejano culture. :o)-Ivan garza