Hard But Not Dry
cider experiment tonite: I wanted to solve the problem of how to get hard cider that's not too dry - it's too dry because the yeast eats up pretty much all the sugar and turns it to alcohol, right? My theory is, what if I stop the fermentation early by heating the stuff, hot enough to kill the yeast, but not hot enough to boil off the ethanol (boiling point 178 degrees F). So I tried it. I kept aside about a cup of yeasty cider. heated the rest to about 135 for 30 minutes. let it cool down, then before bottling i mixed it back in with the cup of yeasty stuff so that when i bottled, there'd still be a little fermenting to provide carbonation. but hopefully not *too* much, resulting in exploding bottles... i'll let you know what happens...
nice! did you have to prove
nice! did you have to prove to greta that you knew the science? or at least put the bottles in a shatter safe space?
ERG! again!?!?
gawd how many times to i have to prove my humanity to your anti-bot device!?! CAPTCHA THIS BEYOTCH!