Good and Bad News over the last year in Juarez

The El Paso paper reports on the current situation with the murders in Ciudad Juarez. Basically there's some improvement, especially on the Chihuahua state level, and no new reports of tortured arrestees, but the murders continue, there were more in 2005 than in 2004, and locally the police and judges are still negligent and/or incompetent.

In June when I was there the count was over 427. It must be over 440 now. Yet I still see newspapers all over the world still using numbers like 300 or 350. Don't any of these writers ever think to themselves "hmm, ongoing problem, so maybe I should see if the number is higher."?

re: Good and Bad News over the last year in Juarez

Steve,Hi i think we might have met once over Dia De Los Muertos? Anyway thanks for the update and the work you are doing. I posted a small bit of it at and perhaps we can talk in the future, as i tihnk I am doing my thesis on it. Mad Love, Queen B

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