Calexico, New CamPhone, and Iowa
Saturday night was incredible for many reasons, not the least of which was that I finally saw Calexico play. They're an incredible 'border band' from Tucson that packs a huge hall every year with an annual holiday show.
They're about to go on tour, so if they come to your town I strongly suggest going to see them.
Here's a photo I took with my new phone. It doesn't do too bad, especially compared with my old new phone, which died on me 2 months in because it was a blackmarket ebay scam. grr.
The new phone also takes pretty good video, for a phone (wouldn't this sound insane 20 years ago? Your phone is a video camera? what?!). This is a clip i shot out the window of my plane landing in Denver, on my way to Iowa (which is where I'm at now).
Speaking of video on phones, in the wake of bluetoothing that above video over to my powerbook I decided to encode my "steev live gig promo video" to the right format so i could play it on my phone. y'know, like an icebreaker at parties. "hi, i'm steev, this is what i do as an artist." (flips open phone, presses play)
re: Calexico, New CamPhone, and Iowa
awesome! not only do you have a cool toy, but now we have someone who can test software for user-content from phones! heh
re: Calexico, New CamPhone, and Iowa
Don't you know that using your electronics during a flight will make the plane fly off course into a volcano? Especially during landing. That's probably why you landed in Denver and not Iowa in the first place.