
I just love this photo.
From the march for immigrant rights in LA yesterday. Somewhere between half a million and a million, or maybe more, people marched there to protest the Sensenbrenner bill. Is mainstream America hearing about this? On the front page of the LA Times site this morning it's the top story but the eye is distracted immediately to the big picture and blurb about the Bruins winning a basketball game. WTF? And you have to scroll down 2 screenfuls to see a tiny link on the New York Times site. suspira.

I like what Jacob said in his blog yesterday about all this, the idea that the Senate bill is really just a tactic to frame the debate a particular way, to shift everything over to the right. They never expected it to pass, they just wanted the possibility of the extreme to lower everyone's expectations. Oh you'll let us stay if we wear shackles? Ok! Please!?

re: Amerexico?

Interestingly enough, the news of the demonstrations made our local paper, in a fairly prominent spot. Remember that Sunday was a major local election here, so most of the main section covered that. The march got a 1/3 of the back page of the main section, with a large photo. I'd consider that to be better coverage than the LA Times' coverage.Here's the link to the online version.

re: Amerexico?

Hmm... It stripped my URL. How about this:,745353.html?fCMS=4fffa5cb76edc21fd940bd7b5d463a1d

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