All the Songs In My MP3 Collection with "Crazy" In the Title

(Crazy For You But) Not That Crazy	The Magnetic Fields
Crazy	Patsy Cline
Crazy (Britney Spears)	Richard Cheese
Crazy Baldhead	Bob Marley & The Wailers
Crazy Horse	Stereo Total
Crazy Train	Richard Cheese
So Fucking Crazy	[Metallica & Britney Spears]
Wild And Crazy	Dr. Octagon

re: All the Songs In My MP3 Collection with "Crazy" In the Titl

i always wanted to do a survey to count how many songs with "love" in the title people had in their mp3 collection versus ones with "hate". last i checked, i think "love" was winning in my collection, but only by like 2 songs. (i blame all the industrial music. heh)

re: All the Songs In My MP3 Collection with "Crazy" In the Titl

love: 280 songshate: 20 songsapathy: 1 song

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