The Alienating, Shadowy Limbo of the Web

I love this image that I found on the "site not here yet" page of some webhosting ISP when I was looking for someone's new website:

The picture envisions a limitless bland cyberspace filled with frustration, isolated inhabitants and floating symbols. So great.

re: The Alienating, Shadowy Limbo of the Web

that's so true. what an awesome image. for all teh hype of "cyberspace" as something that creates community, i feel like there is very little analysis of how the fundamentally individualist nature of the web interface supplants and enhances alienation. there was a little bit of it in Days of War, Nights of Love "is it freedom to sit? staring at a compter screen for hours on end..." but then again, i haven't read much net/media theory so i don't really know whats out there.

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