Archive - Nov 2009 - Story
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 11:45 charging battery on new camera. yay. #
- 12:08 trying out google wave. hmm.. #
- 13:20 reading about feminist masculinity, if that even is possible... icio.us/vy2eg1 #
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 10:42 looking online 4 other people's pics of our float in the all souls procession. hundreds of people were taking shots of us, so where r they? #
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 10:09 trying to collate results of Pan Left web survey. #
- 10:54 reading about indymedia.us and a dodgy gag order/subpoena from the DOJ... bit.ly/WfbOu #
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 14:54 reading abt GE seeling part of NBC 2 comcast: bit.ly/dsaiI #
- 15:43 thinking about how it's the 20th anniversary today of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Let's hope for the fall of the U.S./Mexico one soon. #
- 19:02 reading Linda Rondstadt going off about abuses of migrants. yes! right on Linda! bit.ly/2znD9v #
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 10:39 working on the All Souls Procession memorial "float" for Jack, our departed dog... #
Yesterday's Twitter Tweets
- 12:01 just got back from Desert Harvesters' mesquite pancake breakfast - this kind of thing makes me so happy to be a Dunbar-spring resident! #