Archive - Mar 14, 2006 - Blog entry

A New, Horrible Development In Vlogging

I've always liked the blog about video blogs called We Are The Media. I often found it refreshing to tap into a non-radical, even non-political take on the simple idea of citizen participation in media production, without the usual party line so prevalent within Indymedia circles. It gave me hope that this alternative media revolution could be bigger. But today the dark side of that non-stance has reared its head with an entry bleating the wonderous coolness of Rocketboom's new commerce-soaked format. I could understand mentioning the fact that Rocketboom, the most popular vlog on the net, has sold itself for a week literally to the highest bidder and will spend a week making special advertisements that go at the end of its regular vodcast. But all the hyperbolic celebration of this as a beautiful and innovative new opportunity for advertisers is making me want to puke the more I think about it. Here's a choice quote:

When people download Rocketboom every morning, they have the episode on their computer and the Rocketboom team have taken this advantage and scored a touchdown. They made a commercial where the idea is simple, but the story is full of intruiging [sic] and subtle details. If you want to get it, you just watch it once, but if you want to really get it, you have to watch it over and over for all the easter eggs and cool details that lie just below the surface.

No thanx. I'll pass. I'm not even going to link to Rocketboom here. I don't watch RB anymore anyway. I used to look at it pretty much every day for a few weeks last fall, but i lost interest pretty fast. Hackneyed newsdesk format that relies on having a pretty blonde anchorwoman. blech. Goodbye forever, Rocketboom, blasting off into the stratosphere of corporate capital...